Sliced Ketchup Is Here to Keep All Your Sandwiches Mess-Free and It’s Already Polarizing

For anyone who’s ever eagerly bitten into a big, juicy sandwich only to end up with sauce all over them, sliced ketchup is here to cure those spill woes.

Thanks to Los Angeles-based food entrepreneur Emily Williams, ketchup lovers will hopefully soon be able to savor their favorite condiment in slice form. The Slice of Sauce creator and her business partner, Thac Lecong, have recently launched a Kickstarter in hopes of crowdsourcing funds to get their product into production.

“The slice is going to revolutionize the way that we sauce,” Williams says of the portable ketchup slices in the video promoting the campaign. “But it’s also all-natural, no preservatives. This flavor is the real deal.”

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BY Megan McCluskey