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How trillions of microbes affect every stage of our life—from birth to old age

This story appears in the January 2020 issue of National Geographic magazine.

THE MORE SCIENTISTS investigate the microbes living inside us, the more they learn about the surprising impact of these tiny organisms on how we look, act, think, and feel. Are our health and well-being really driven by the bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa that live in our intestines, in our lungs, on our skin, on our eyeballs? What a weird concept—that the bugs we lug around appear to be essential to establishing the basic nature of who we are.

The effects of the microbiome, this menagerie of microorganisms, can be profound—and can start incredibly early. In a study published last year, scientists showed that something supposedly as innate as a child’s temperament might be related to whether the bacteria in an infant’s gut are predominantly from one genus: the more Bifidobacterium bugs, the sunnier the baby.

This observation, from Anna-Katariina Aatsinki and her colleagues at the University of Turku in Finland, is based on an analysis of stool samples from 301 babies. Those with the highest proportion of Bifidobacterium organisms at two months were more likely at six months to exhibit a trait the researchers called “positive emotionality.”


Microbiome science is still relatively young. It’s been just 15 years since the research took off in earnest, which means most studies to date have been preliminary and small, involving only a dozen or so mice or humans. Scientists have found associations between the microbiome and disease, but can’t yet draw clear cause-and-effect conclusions about our vast critter inventory and what it all means for us as hosts. Still, the inventory itself is mind-boggling—it’s now thought to be around 38 trillion microbes for a typical young adult male, slightly more than the number of actual human cells. And the prospects for putting that inventory to use are tantalizing.

In the not-too-distant future, according to the most enthusiastic researchers, it might be routine to deliver a dose of healthy microbes in the form of prebiotics (compounds that act as a substrate on which beneficial microbes can grow), probiotics (the beneficial microbes themselves), or fecal transplants (microbe-rich feces from healthy donors)—helping us realize the promise of operating at top form, from the inside out.

When we talk about the microbiome, we’re talking primarily about the digestive tract, home to more than 90 percent of a body’s microorganisms. But other regions are also crawling with life. Microbes colonize wherever the inside of the body meets the outside: eyes, ears, nose, mouth, vagina, anus, urinary tract. There are also microbes on every inch of skin, with high concentrations in the armpits, the groin, between the toes, and in the belly button.


And here’s the really amazing thing: Every one of us has a particular mix of microbes that’s different from everyone else’s. Based on current observations, it’s possible for two individuals to have zero overlap in the microbial species of their microbiomes, says Rob Knight of the Center for Microbiome Innovation at the University of California, San Diego. The unique nature of microbiomes might even have forensic applications, he says. “We can track objects or surfaces people touch back to that person by matching the skin microbiome traces.” Maybe someday police investigators will go through crime scenes taking samples of skin microbes, much the way they now dust for fingerprints.

Here are some highlights of what scientists are learning about how the microbiome affects us across our life span, from infancy to old age.


The fetus in utero lives essentially microbe free. Then it squeezes down the birth canal, where it confronts a riot of bacteria. During a vaginal delivery, the baby is awash in microbes that live in the vagina; it’s also exposed to the mother’s gut bacteria as its face passes by her perineum and anus. These maternal gut microbes immediately start to colonize the newborn’s own gut, engaging in a kind of conversation with developing immune cells. In this way, the very early microbiome prepares the immune system for healthy functioning later in life.

When a baby is born by cesarean section, though, it misses out on this exposure. Its gut is seeded with different microbes—not those from the mother’s gut and vagina, but from her skin and breast milk, the nurse’s hands, even the hospital bedding. These early differences might have implications that last a lifetime.

In 2018 Paul Wilmes of the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine at the University of Luxembourg published a study of 13 babies born vaginally and 18 by C-section. He and his colleagues analyzed the microbes in the stool of the newborns and their mothers, as well as vaginal swabs from the mothers. C-section babies had significantly lower levels of bacteria that make lipopolysaccharides, which are a primary stimulus of the developing immune system. The reduction lasted for at least five days after birth—enough, Wilmes believes, to have long-term consequences for immunity.

Eventually, usually by the first birthday, the microbiomes of C-section babies and vaginally born babies are pretty much the same. But Wilmes thinks the differences he observed in the first few days of life mean C-section babies might be missing a period of “priming,” when immune cells are set up to respond appropriately to foreign agents. The scantier microbial populations of C-section babies during these initial days could explain why they are more prone to a host of immune system problems later on, including allergies, inflammatory diseases, and obesity.

Wilmes says one day it might be possible for babies born by C-section to be given probiotics derived from specific strains of bacteria found in their mothers, which would, in theory, seed their intestines with helpful microbes. Such probiotic therapy is still far in the future, though.


Food allergies have become so widespread that many schools restrict what lunches kids can bring from home, like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, for fear of setting off a classmate’s allergic reaction. In the United States, 5.6 million children suffer from food allergies—which translates to two or three in every classroom.

Many factors are thought to account for this rise, including an increase in C-section births and an overuse of antibiotics, which can wipe out protective bacteria. Cathryn Nagler and her colleagues at the University of Chicago wondered whether the rise in childhood food allergies might be linked to the microbial mix in children’s guts. Last year they published a study of eight six-month-old babies, half of whom were allergic to cow’s milk, half of whom were not. The microbiomes of the groups were quite different, they discovered: The healthy babies had the bacteria expected in typically developing babies their age, while the babies with a cow’s milk allergy had bacteria more characteristic of adults.

In the allergic babies, the normally slow progression from an infant microbiome to an adult one took place “at warp speed,” Nagler says.

Using fecal samples, Nagler and her colleagues transplanted gut bacteria from the babies in her study into germ-free mice—mice born by C-section and raised in sterile conditions so they had no microbes at all. When the mice received transplants from healthy babies, they received protective bacteria that prevented an allergic response to cow’s milk. But when the transplants were from allergic babies, the mice didn’t get the protective bacteria and had an allergic response.

Further analysis showed that one species of bacteria in particular that’s unique to human infants—Anaerostipes caccae, from the Clostridia class—seems to have been most relevant in protecting the first group of mice. This species was from the same family within Clostridia that Nagler’s team had identified in an earlier study as protective against peanut allergy.

Nagler, who is president and co-founder of the Chicago-based drug start-up ClostraBio, hopes to test the therapeutic potential of these bacteria in lab mice—and eventually in allergic patients. The first challenge has been finding somewhere in the gut for the beneficial bacteria to land. Even in an unhealthy microbiome, Nagler says, all the niches are already filled; for Clostridia to go in, something else has to come out. So ClostraBio developed a drug that clears out a niche in the microbiome.

Nagler and her colleagues have been giving the drug to mice and then infusing them with a variety of Clostridia bugs, along with dietary fiber that encourages their growth. She hopes to begin clinical testing on a Clostridia treatment in humans within the next two years, with the eventual goal of giving it to children with food allergies.

Gut microbes also might be related to other childhood diseases, such as type 1 diabetes. In Australia scientists collected stool samples from 93 children with a family history of type 1 diabetes and found that those who went on to develop the disease had higher levels of enterovirus A in their stool than those who didn’t develop diabetes.

One of the scientists involved in the study, W. Ian Lipkin of the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, cautions researchers against rushing to explain diseases—whether diabetes or any other—by differences in the microbiome alone. “This is still largely a descriptive science,” he says; all that’s known for sure is that certain microbes are associated with certain conditions.

Even with this caveat, Lipkin is excited about where microbiome science might lead. He expects that in five or 10 years, scientists will understand the mechanisms of how the microbiome affects the body and will have begun clinical trials on human subjects to demonstrate the health impact of altering it. Once microbiome science “becomes mechanistic and testable,” he says, “then it will become real.”


The vast majority of teenagers in developed countries are pimple-prone—and for them, there does seem to be such a thing as an “acne microbiome.” Many kids have skin that’s especially hospitable to two strains of Cutibacterium acnes (until recently called Propionibacterium acnes) that have been closely linked to acne. Most strains of this bacterium, despite the acnes in its name, are either harmless or helpful, keeping pathogenic microbes at bay; in fact, C. acnes is the predominant component of the normal microbiome of the face and neck.

But having a bad-guy strain of C. acnes can be a problem. It’s one of the elements needed for acne to arise, says Amanda Nelson, a dermatologic researcher at Penn State University College of Medicine. The others are sebum (the oil produced by sebaceous glands to keep the skin moist), which C. acnes uses as a food source; plugged-up hair follicles; and an inflammatory response. These four factors work in concert, Nelson says, adding, “We actually don’t know what happens first.”

The acne microbiome was the focus of a study at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, where researchers found that the only acne treatment leading to long-term remission—isotretinoin, sold as Accutane and other brand names—works in part by altering the skin microbiome, reducing the number of C. acnesbacteria while increasing the diversity of the skin microbiome overall. In this healthier, more diverse environment, they found, it’s harder for the bad strains of C. acnes to take hold.

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