Special is absolutely the word to describe these lovingly raised peppercorns from Kerala, India. They are organically grown and carefully harvested in the Wynad (or Wayanad) district of Kerala. This area is known for producing India’s finest pepper. What makes these peppercorns so special is their extended time on the vine. Most pepper is harvested when green. Parameswaran, the owner of the small plantation in the Wynad where he lives with his family, allows his pepper to grow until the berries are reddish and fully ripe. This makes harvesting more difficult because the vines must be picked numerous times as the berries ripen, not one time when all are green. After harvesting, the peppercorns are sun- dried, then vacuum-sealed to preserve their peak flavor and scent. The time and work is well worth it, as the berries have big, intense, complex flavor.
To produce the white pepper after harvesting, the ripe berries are soaked in 20 changes of spring water over 20 days. Once soaked, the outer skin of the berry is removed and the pepper is sun-dried and packed in the same way as the black. These white peppercorns are much spicier than the black and are perfect for light-colored food that loves a kick.
The production of pepper of this quality is demanding and labor intensive. In the Wynad many households will pick a small quantity of these ripened berries for their private use, but Parameswaran is the only exporter of this fully-ripened pepper, making it rare and revered in the United States and around the world. Parameswaran’s Special Wynad Pepper was featured as one of the best by Cook’s Illustrated in 2008 and it still holds that accolade. White Wynad berries definitely retain their kick with the grassy/winey flavors preserved after soaking and drying.
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